Content-length: 13300 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 2261: Vid of Taking Earth
Taking Earth

Time: 02:15.04
Size: 18.3 MB
Time: 01:32.20
Size: 12.5 MB
Time: 01:41.28
Size: 13.8 MB
Time: 01:48.08
Size: 14.6 MB
Time: 02:13.04
Size: 18.0 MB

Excerpts from Endgame

Vid 1

Exterior shot - Earth & Moon, Sheridan's forces jump into normal space.

Capt. James
You're on.

This is Captain John Sheridan. We are here on the authority of a multi-planetary force that can no longer stand by and watch one of their greatest allies falling into darkness and dispair. We are here on behalf of the thousands of civilians murdered under orders from the current administration who have no one else to speak for them. And on behalf of the Earthforce units that have joined us to oppose the tyrany that has darkened Earth, ever since President Santiago was assasinated three years ago.
(Shot of Clark in his office)
We are here to place President Clark under arrest, to disband Nightwatch, and return our government to the hands of her people.

Exterior shot - Planetary defense grid.

Capt. James
Planetary defense grid is activated, getting a fix on our position.

We know that many in the government have wanted to act but have been intimidated by threats of retaliation against your families, your friends. You're not alone any more. We call upon you to rise up and do what's right. We have drawn their forces away from Earth and disabled them. The time to act is now.
(Senator Crosby and party approach Clark's office)
This is not the voice of treason. These are your sons, your daughters, whose loyalties have never waivered, whose beliefs in this alliance has forced us to take extraordinay means. For justice, for peace, for the future, we have come home.

Vid 2

Senator Crosby and party reach Clark's office. Inside Clark arms the planetary defense grid.


Capt. James
Defense grid armmed and firing. Incoming, Red Alert.

All ships evasive action. Launch starfurries. Target incoming missles.

Sheridan's forces defend themselves against the missles.

Destroyer group target local defence platforms. Fire at will.
(To Capt. James)
Keep monitoring all channels, let me know the second you get an answer.

Destroyers attack defence grid. Interior shot - Senator Crosby and party break into Clark's office just as he shoots himself in the head with a PPG.

Vid 3

Exterior shot - Defense grid under attack. Interior shot - Clark's office, Senator Crosby finds note on desk.

Senator Crosby
I need to talk to Captain Sheridan.

Capt. James
Signal coming in from EarthDome.

Put it through and rout it to the rest of the ships.

Senator Crosby
Captain Sheridan, this is an emergency transmission. President Clark is dead. He took his own life before we could arrest him. But he left a message on his desk, two words: Scorched Earth. Captain, I believe he's turned the defense grid toward Earth. We can't override the systems here. If you don't stop them they'll fire in 10 minutes.

Exterior shot - Defense grid turns on Earth. Interior shot - Agamemnon bridge.

Senator Crosby: (V.O.)
Captain, the particle beams on those defence platforms can level 40% of the planet's surface. You have to stop them before they can fire.

Sheridan to attack fleet, you heard the Senator. All ships fire at will. Delenn, we need you.

Vid 4

We are there.

Alien ships move in. All ships are firing. Agamemnon gets hit.

Capt. James
Missles impacting on all sides.

Continue firing.

Capt. James
I don't know how much more she can take.

Continue firing!

Agamemnon and other ships fire at the defence grid Interior shot - Agamemnon bridge is damaged, debris and smoke everywhere.

Capt. James
Forward guns are down. We can't fire. Particle beam's coming online for the nearest platform, ready to fire.


Capt. James
North America. It'll wipe out most of the Eastern seaboard. John, there's no one else close enough to stop it.

Vid 5

Sheridan sits down.

All power to engines. Give me ramming speed.

Capt. James
Aye sir.

Agamemnon speeds toward last defense platform. Jump point opens and the Apollo comes out.

Gen. Lefcourt
Apollo to Agamemnon, we've monitored the situation. Hold onto your hats.

Apollo fires at, and destroys the defense platform. Agamemnon flies into the explosion.


Agamemnon makes it through.

Capt. James
The last platform's been destroyed.

Sheridan laughs, celebrating

Gen. Lefcourt
Sorry for the delay Captain but we had some trouble on Mars. You might have heard something about it?

Well, my apologies General. We're only doing our jobs.

Gen. Lefcourt
And though you'll have to stand before a board in inquiry on this one Sheridan, still, welcome home John. Welcome home.

Sheridan is teary-eyed. Exterior shot - Sheridan's forces.


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